Ubuntu 10.10 and ATI Radeon HD 6870

So, quite some time ago I made the mistake of buying the ATI Radeon HD 6870 without first checking if it would play nice with my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop.
Turned out it didn’t 🙁

But now, there are proprietary Linux drivers released by ATI/AMD

  1. First, you should update your system (just to be sure).

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

  2. If you’ve been using older drivers, remove them.

    sudo apt-get remove –purge xserver-xorg-video-radeon

  3. Download the install package from the AMD suppot pages and make it executable

    chmod +x ati-driver-installer*.run

  4. Run the installer as sudo-user

    sudo ./ati-driver-installer*.run

  5. Reboot


The Linux 2.6.38 kernel carries the ATI Radeon HD 6000 open source support. (just fyi!)
If you encounter problems or found this post helpful, it would be nice to leave a comment below.
This way, I can adjust it to the needs of my readers.

Nasty little OpenSSH Bug

So I’ve been using my Targa NT9231 as a home sever (Running Ubuntu 10.10 server edition) for a while now.
It’s been serving several purposes such as internal webserver, irssi, monitoring and tunneling/proxy server.

As all wise people should do, I’ve been using OpenSSH to connect to it.
Solely  connected to it from my netbook, as my desktop Ubuntu computer died after the purchase of a new ATI (curse you) Graphics card.
But now, I managed to revive my desktop (yay!) and wanted to log in on my server.
Setted up the key and wanted to transfer it to my authorized hosts file… but that gave me a bloody error:

Permission denied (publickey).

So I started to digg around and checked filepermissions, ssh_config file etc… But all seemed ok.
But then I found this little nasty openSSH Bug on launchpad.

Simply running “ssh-add” on the client fixed the problem!

Ssh-add adds identities to the authentication agent, sshagent. When run without arguments, it adds the file %HOME%/.ssh/identity. Alternative file names can be given on the command line. If any file requires a passphrase, ssh-add asks for the passphrase from the user.

I’m not sure how this could’ve helped, but hey, its a workaround that actually works 🙂

Call for participants Dipro-fair Ghent 30/01/2011

People who want to help out at the Ubuntu booth during the Dipro-fair is in Ghent on January 30, 2011.
If you’re not able to attend the full day, some hours of help are always welcome as well.

You don’t have to be an Ubuntu/Linux expert.
If you can testify about your experiences and suggest to Windows-programs,
can already make a difference.
Most people we lend a word on the fair, have none or little of Ubuntu/Linux/Computer experience.

Fun fact:
As an exhibitor you don’t have to pay the entrance fee, but between helping out, you can take our time to look around and find awesome deals.

Add your name to the ubuntu-wiki page:
Let me know trough mail ubuntu@mimor.be

Please in both of these cases, mention whether you’ll be helping out a full day or several hours.
That’s all you need to do.
If you can provide items such as demolaptop(s), camera, etc. .. you may also add it to the wiki page.

Hope to see you soon.


Mensen die willen helpen op de Ubuntu stand tijdens de Dipro beurs in Gent op 30 Jan 2011.
Indien het niet mogelijk is om de volledige dag aanwezig te zijn, zijn enkele uren hulp ook altijd welkom.

Je hoeft geen Ubuntu/linux/computer expert te zijn.
Als je kan getuigen over jouw ervaringen en uitleg geven over alternatieven voor Windows programma’s,
kan je al een verschil maken.
De meeste mensen die we op de beurs ten woord staan, hebben helemaal geen of weinig van Ubuntu/Linux.

Leuk weetje:
Als medewerker van de stand hoef je geen toegangsgeld te betalen, maar kan je tussendoor wel rond kijken en toffe deals vinden.

Voeg je naam toe aan deze Ubuntu-be Wiki pagina:
Laat het me weten via mail op ubuntu@mimor.be

Gelieve in de twee gevallen te vermelden of je een volledige dag of enkele uren zal helpen.
Dat is het enige dat je hoeft te doen.
Indien je items van de lijst kan verzorgen zoals demo laptop(s), fototoestel, etc… mag je dit ook telkens aanvullen op de wiki pagina.

Hopelijk tot binnenkort.


Mike Morraye

Changing date and/or time on Linux

Here’s a short and easy way to set your system and hardware clock from the command line.
Open your terminal and follow these steps.

First check the current time of your hardwareclock:

hwclock -r

Then add the right date/time to your systemclock.
In the example provided you’ll find some strange long number.
You have to read it like this (from left to right):
[01] = month (Jan) | [14] = day | [0231] = time (02:31) | [2011] = year

sudo date 011402312011

Now sync your hardware clock with the date/time you’ve just set:

sudo hwclock --systohc

Check if the hardware clock is synced right:

sudo hwclock -r


Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Release Party Ghent is under construction

It’s official! There will be a Release Party for the Ubunu 10.04 (codename Lucid Lynx) in Ghent.

I’ve just send out the news to the mailing list of Ubuntu-be and the Whitespace to confirm that i’ll organise the release party for the upcoming LTS version of Ubuntu.
The event will take place Thursday the 13th of May in the Whitespace.
I’m still looking for people whom have some knowledge of something Ubuntu-related and have the guts to give a lightningtalk or a demo.
At the moment of writing, I’ve had 1 confirmation from a guy with Balls! Mandel.
He did a talk about desktopcouch at fosdem this year, and will bring an improved version of that to the Release party.
If you have questions, let me know.
I’m available at the #Ubuntu-be channel on freenode, or just PM me (mimor) or use the comment section below.

The sent mail in English:

Hello to all.
> I organize a RP on the 13th of May in honor of the Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)
> release.
> This is indeed a Thursday 🙂 but that’s an official holiday and lot’s of
> the people don’t have to work on Friday.
> What time it’ll take place is yet to be decided.
> The RP will take place in the Whitespace (Blekerijstraat 75, Gent,
> Belgium)
> For people wondering what the Whitespace is: http://0x20.be
> The space has: power, network, internet, drinks, snacks, beamer, couches
> and I hope we can repair the coffee-machine by then.
> People whom want something else, mention it.
> The program is still under construction.
> This moment, my receipt looks like this:
> Around 13h we’ll serve a light meet & greet to loosen up the nerves.
> Next, we’ll stimulate the senses wit a series of lightning talks
> accompanied by a spicy serving of freshly cut tips.
> As the Spécial-du-chéf, you can enjoy some trial-and-error-sauce topped
> hands-on sessions.
> This part is for sure, but the rest is still work in progress!
> This is the rest:
> – design of Posters, flyers and web-banners
> – do you know someone, or want to present something yourself? Go for it
> & let me know.
> – spread the word! To your friends, colleagues, your student-club, etc..
> – the pleasure to have YOU with us!
> Regards,
> Mike Morraye

Or in Dutch:

> Hallo iedereen.
> Ik organiseer Donderdag, 13 Mei 2010 een RP voor Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid).
> Dit is inderdaad een donderdag 🙂 Maar het is een feestdag en vrijdag is
> voor velen dus een brug-dag.
> Van hoe laat tot hoe laat is nog te beslissen.
> De RP gaat door in de Whitespace (Blekerijstraat 75, Gent, Belgium)
> Voor wie wil weten wat dit is: http://0x20.be
> Locatie heeft: stroomvoorziening, netwerk, internet, (fris-) drank,
> versnaperingen, beamer, zetels en hopelijk kunnen we tegen dan ook de
> koffiezet herstellen.
> Wie nog iets anders wil, laat het gerust weten 😉
> Het programma in nog in ontwikkeling.
> Op dit moment zit m’n recept er zo uit:
> Rond 13h serveren we een luchtige meet & greet om de zenuwen wat los te
> weken. Hierna prikkelen we de zintuigen met een reeks van pittige
> lightningtalks vergezeld van een portie vers gesneden tips.
> Als spécial du chéf, kunnen de fijnproevers genieten van enkele hands-on
> sessies overgoten met een sausje trial & error.
> Dit stuk is zeker, de rest is work in progress!
> Hier dus de rest:
> – ontwerp Poster & flyer en/of web-banners?
> – ken je iemand, of wil je zelf iets presenteren. Go for it & let me
> know.
> – Spread the word! In je vriendenkring, op het werk, in je
> studentenclub, etc…
> – het genoegen dat JIJ er ook bent!
> Mvg,
> Mike Morraye

Sorting images according to their width and height

I wrote a script to sort images according to their width and height.
I found myself in need of such a thing after my previous post on how to download 4chan images automatically.
I used this script a few times to get all the wallpapers on the /wg/ board.

After a few GB of images, nautilus starts to get a headache when opening the containing folder.
So I needed to split it up in different folders.
So here’s the script that does it.

There still seems to be a problem with character escaping when the filename contains a ” – ” in it’s title.
But I’m too tired to figure it out now.

Download 4chan images automatically with this simple script

I like to spice up my desktop with various wallpapers and have to say, that /wg/ on 4chan has been a great provider.
But keeping track of all the images, shifting forth and back and forth again between the 10 pages has been taking too much effort.
So the solution to avoid spilling too much time lurking on that imageboard, I just wrote a bash script. (Sorry Windows users)

Be careful, as this script might run a while before it finishes.
You can modify the script as you like.
You might want to remove the user-agent string or the -nd option or ad a -x for that last wget call, etc…

I’ll post later on how I actually remove the duplicated images 😉
A hint for people eager to know: fdupes

fdupes -r -f . > duplicates && echo ./duplicates > duplicates && rm `cat duplicates`

This would actually throw errors when there are spaces in the filenames.

So it was a long, verry long night.
The spirit driving me was like this:

But in the end, it felt more like:

Going to Fosdem 2010

FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European MeetingIt’s finally there. The 10th edition of Fosdem.
For the people whom don’t know Fosdem (yet):It’s the finest free and non-commercial event where FOSS developers and communities can meet.There are a lot of interesting talks and demo’s, food, drinks, booths, and if you search good enough you might encounter a (real) girl.
And the best thing… it’s in Belgium :)Here’s a list of talks I’d like to attend


  • 11:45 to 12:30 Evil On the Internet

    This talk will show you live examples of these sites, explain how they work, and tell you what we currently know about the criminals who operate them.
    There’s a lot of evil things on the Internet if you know where to look for them. Phishing websites collect banking credentials; mule recruitment websites entice people into money laundering; fake escrow sites defraud the winners of online auctions; fake banks hold the cash for fake African dictators; and there are even Ponzi scheme websites where (almost) everyone knows that they’re a scam. This talk will show you live examples of these sites, explain how they work, and tell you what we currently know about the criminals who operate them.

  • 13:15 to 13:45 Mozilla Europe

    General Introduction followed by an update on the work of Mozilla in Europe.

  • 13:45 to 14:00 Mozilla Foundation

    Latest MoFo news and projects.

  • 15:30 to 16:30 HTML5
  • Continue reading Going to Fosdem 2010

Why you should read your ISP’s Custommers Conduct Code

The idea:

Install ConnectBot on my HTC Hero, connect to my home ssh server to hook up with my Screen session.
‘Why?’ you ask? Because we can!

The process:

  1. Create a DynDNS account
  2. Configure my router to automatically update the DynDNS service
  3. Set up the ssh daemon on my desktop
  4. Set up the screen session and configure irssi
  5. Forwarded the default ssh port (22) to my desktop PC which has a fixed IP
  6. Drink a coffee.
  7. Added the credentials needed to the ConnectBot’s configuration

Continue reading Why you should read your ISP’s Custommers Conduct Code

Funny Gnome-Cups-Manager README file :)


Once upon a time there was a printer who lived in the woods.  He was a
lonely printer, because nobody knew how to configure him.  He hoped
and hoped for someone to play with.

One day, the wind passed by the printer's cottage.  "Whoosh," said the
wind.  The printer became excited.  Maybe the wind would be his

"Will you be my friend?" the printer asked.

"Whoosh," said the wind.

"What does that mean?" asked the printer.

"Whoosh," said the wind, and with that it was gone.

The printer was confused.  He spent the rest of the day thinking and
jamming paper (for that is what little printers do when they are

The next day a storm came.  The rain came pouring down, darkening the
morning sky and destroying the printer's garden.  The little printer
was upset.  "Why are you being so mean to me?" he asked.
 Continue reading Funny Gnome-Cups-Manager README file :)